Website Marketing
Is your site a waste of space or just not bringing you the business you hoped for? We have the solution for you no matter what your budget. Here at Dolen Computer Repair we have the best in web design and web marketing to build or rebuild your site from start to finish with the concept of making your site work for you.
When someone types in somthing related to a service or product you offer into a search engine wouldnt it be great if they get your website, phone number, email address and a vast amount of information on those products and services. We build your site to generate leads and new clients.

Here are some numbers for you.
Most of our sites see on average of 1000 - 5000 visitors a month thats up to 60,000 visitors a year, on average 85% of these visitors are new visitors.
51,000 new customers could be generated a year for your company! Get started today and turn on a hard working marketing expert with all the information your customer could ever need at there finger tips. Your website never sleeps and can assist an unlimited amount of customers at anytime.
Don't forget as you gain new customers your traffic will continue to increase. Instead of 60,000 visitors a year this number could double or triple the potential is only limited by your targeted area/areas.
The bottom line is having our proffesionals design your site is the best investment for your company.